The Impact of Insurance Tracking Devices on Car Accidents

At first glance, the idea behind an insurance tracking device appears beneficial for drivers. Instead of simply issuing a flat fee for all drivers with similar demographic information, insurance providers can collect data on an individual’s driving habits and modify their rate accordingly.

This may appeal to younger drivers who purchase insurance for the first time or have had years of safe driving after an accident. However, after some research, it becomes evident that insurance tracking devices may not be nearly as harmless as they sound.

What Do Insurance Tracking Devices Actually Do?

We have already established that insurance tracking devices, or telematics, monitor an individual’s driving habits. But what types of activities do this telematics track? Below is a list of common activities insurance tracking devices monitor:


If drivers tend to drive late at night or during rush hour, they may be flagged as high-risk drivers.

Distance Traveled

Depending on how many miles you travel during a specific period, some devices may label you an at-risk driver simply because of your driving frequency.

Braking Habits

The force with which you press your brakes may indicate to insurance companies that you are a reckless driver.


Similar to braking, insurance tracking devices could see cause for concern if you regularly make sharp turns.

Driving Speeds

This is probably the most apparent activity you would expect an insurance tracking device to monitor. If you are driving above or below the speed limit, expect that your insurance tracking device is taking note, as is your insurance company.

How Insurance Tracking Devices May Effect Your Accident Settlement

If you view yourself as a perfectly safe driver or simply remain unconvinced that insurance tracking devices could pose a threat to you and your policy, take a moment to imagine you have recently been involved in an accident.

You do not have to be the one driving; you could just be a passenger in a vehicle with an insurance tracking device. If you were the driver’s passenger who was at fault, there is a good chance you will be responsible for your medical bills.

With the data insurance carriers can collect from insurance tracking devices, insurance providers could reject a claim, leaving you defenseless.

Discover More About the Impact of Insurance Tracking Devices on Car Accidents

Insurance companies can easily use the data from insurance tracking devices to justify increasing your policy premium. To make matters worse, lawyers from the opposing side could request your insurance tracking data for use in their legal argument.

For these reasons and many more, you should think twice before installing an insurance tracking device. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident where insurance tracking devices were used, hire the skilled personal injury attorneys at KGS to fight for you today.