How to Care for Someone With a Traumatic Brain Injury
Every accident has the potential to cause physical and emotional injuries, and one of the most serious is a traumatic brain injury. When you or your loved one has suffered severe brain damage from a car crash, slip and fall, or some other type of incident, do not hesitate to speak with a seasoned TBI […]
Common Products that Might Cause Cancer
In our daily lives, we encounter common products that have hidden negative effects. Most products on the market are made for our enjoyment, and while the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) regulate and protect the public from many harmful food items and products, they do not regulate […]
Can I Skip Medical Treatment If I Do Not Feel Hurt After a Crash?
It is very important not to skip medical treatment if you have been in any sort of accident, even if you do not feel hurt. Going to a hospital and seeing a health professional will always benefit you. You should prioritize your well-being, and seeking medical attention can help you receive your compensation. Call an […]
Bicycle Helmet Laws in Texas You Should Understand
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), helmets are considered the most effective way to prevent head trauma and injuries from bicycle crashes. Although everyone operating a bicycle is recommended to wear a helmet, Texas has no mandatory statewide helmet law. Numerous studies support the effectiveness of helmets, which reduce head injuries by 63 to […]
Who Pays My Medical Bills After a Car Accident in Houston?
If you have ever been injured in a car accident, seeking medical attention is of the utmost importance. In Texas, the at-fault driver should be responsible for paying any medical expenses. Unfortunately, resolving a settlement with the other driver’s insurance company can take time. First, you must prove that the other driver was responsible for […]