A spinal cord injury could dramatically and immediately affect your life. In addition to pain, you might experience serious mobility impairment, altering how you go about your life. Depending on the severity of your spinal injury, you might need to change jobs or stop working. You could need to rely on others to help you care for yourself.

If someone did something to cause your spinal injury, a catastrophic injury attorney could explain the legal options available to you. A Katy spinal cord injury lawyer could help you pursue a claim for financial compensation.

Causes of Spinal Injuries

People suffer spine damage in many different manners. Most commonly, motor vehicle accidents lead to spinal injuries. Spine trauma also frequently occurs after falls. Many people suffer spinal injuries because of their jobs, particularly when they work in dangerous industries, such as construction, or when their job requires them to work from high heights.

Sporting and recreation accidents could also lead to spine injuries. Some injuries occur or worsen due to a defective consumer product, such as faulty airbags or seatbelts malfunctioning in a car crash. Intentional acts of violence, such as assaults, stabbings, and shootings, could result in spinal trauma. Surgical mistakes could also cause spinal injuries. For example, a surgeon mistakenly severing the spinal cord during a routine back surgery.

A diligent attorney in Katy could investigate an incident that led to the spinal injury to determine how it occurred. They have the skills and experience to comb through evidence. They could identify who is responsible and help a claimant pursue a civil claim for compensation.

Potential Impacts of Spine Damage

Spinal trauma affects people in many ways. Depending on the extent and location of an injury, people could experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Loss of sensation
  • Loss of ability to move or control one’s movements
  • Problems breathing or regulating body temperature
  • Blood clots
  • Problems swallowing and eating
  • Loss of bowel and bladder control
  • Loss of sexual functioning
  • Fertility problems

These physical problems could disrupt a person’s quality of life. They might not be able to participate in their favorite activities. They may lose their sense of independence when they have to rely on someone else to care for them. They might need to modify their home to make it accessible, and some people may need to move to a nursing facility if their family and friends can no longer provide them with the care they need.

All of these physical changes could lead to emotional struggles. Spinal injury survivors frequently battle anxiety, depression, and anger.

Compassionate lawyers in Katy understand how debilitating spinal trauma could be. They could help an injury survivor review and assess their situation to pursue reimbursement that fully compensates them for their losses.

Contact a Katy Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Spine injuries could impact more than your mobility. You might lose your ability to work and face financial difficulties as you learn to adjust to your body’s changes.

If somebody’s careless or reckless actions caused you to suffer a severe spinal injury, they should be legally responsible for the cost of your losses. A skilled Katy spinal cord injury lawyer could help you navigate a legal claim against the wrongdoer to secure compensation for your losses. Contact a legal representative today.